Wednesday, January 5, 2011

london bridge is falling down

I had the weirdest experience last night. I went to one of the first Peter Pan practices where we were blocking out the scene, so I was on my hands and knees a lot. (ouch)  I was wearing the smallest pair of jeans I own and felt a weird sensation going on down there. I'm trying not to panic, but I think my underwear, just fell down....inside my pants. I quickly check to make sure my pants have also not fallen down, nope- jeans are still up- thank goodness! I couldn't believe it. How weird is that? I quietly excused myself to the bathroom and fixed the situation. But it just kept happening. It's official, I've lost my butt. So I threw away my underwear in the high school girls bathroom. They clearly weren't working. I think its time to go shopping.

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